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About the Sales Tender

It includes the goods sold by the customs administrations of the Clearance Goods in general terms related to the situations in which customs goods can be subject to sale by the customs administrations. Liquidation goods sales; It is realized through e-tender and in the form of retail sales.

Detailed information on the Customs Legislation regarding the Liquidation goods sold by tender or retail sale method is presented below by our experts.

In this article “About Customs Tenders”, the following topics will be presented;

(How to Participate in Customs Tenders)
(How to Access the Items Subject to Sale)
(Terms of Customs Sales Tenders)
(How to Buy Items Subject to Sale)


What is Bonded Goods?
What is Liquidation and Liquidation Items? How Does the Process Work?
What is the Source of Customs Goods?
Why Are Cleared Goods (Customs Goods) Cheap?
What is Customs Tender?
Where and How is Customs Tender (Customs E-Tender) Made?
How can I participate in the Customs Tender (Customs E-Tender)?
What is the Security Fee for the Customs Tender?
How Can I See the Goods, Price, Sales and Specifications to be Tendered at Customs?
What will be the cost when you win the customs tender?
Where and How is Retail Sales Made?
What Products Are Available in Retail Stores?
How Can I Find Out What Are The Items Sold In Retail Stores?
Where and How is Customs Retail Sales Made?

What is Bonded Goods?

Bonded goods are the goods that are waiting at the customs, abondened or not taken by the owner, and passed into the custody of the customs administration and become liquidated after a certain period of time.

What is the Source of the Goods in Liquidation? – What is the Liquidation and Liquidation Process?

Where do the goods sold by the customs authorities come to the customs? and how is it supplied? If we need to clarify this issue; Since customs administrations are public institutions, they cannot perform a commercial activity. They do not buy goods from abroad, bring them to our country and sell them, or buy and sell goods in the country for profit. Goods brought to customs by legal persons or real persons and whose customs procedures have not been completed in compliance with the legislation, and goods caught within the scope of the Anti-Smuggling Law (All these goods are referred to as goods in liquidation.) Liquidation process with a rough description; it means that the goods that have been liquidated are taken from the warehouses (temporary storage areas or warehouses) by the customs administrations and a kind of cleaning of these places is carried out. Aim; It is to remove the items that have become liquidation waiting in the warehouses, and to bring the items that have an economic life / benefit to the economy as soon as possible, and to send them to activities for humanitarian aid, protection of nature and the environment and for the benefit of society. There are different ways of liquidation process.

Liquidation; is carried out by the following;

By Sales By Tender,
By Resale Purpose,
By Retail Sale,
By Allocating to Public Institutions and Foundations and Associations Established by Private Law,
By Destruction,
By Special Way

Goods to be disposed of using the Sales Method by Tender and Retail Sales Method are the goods to be offered for sale by the Customs Administrations. In other words; The Source of “Customs Goods” is Goods in Liquidation and Sold In particular using the Auction and Retail Method. All Kinds of Goods (Excluding Fuel) Can Be Offered For Sale By Tender Or Retail On The Condition That There Is No Inconvenience In Entering The Country In Terms Of Human, Plant, Animal And Environmental Health. The Customs Administrations Decide which Liquidation Method to Use.

Why Are Cleared Goods (Customs Goods) Cheap?

As we have mentioned before, Customs Administrations Have Absolutely No Profit Purposes and Therefore, the Prices of the Products Are Lower Compared to the Market Prices, That’s Why Customs Goods Are Cheaper. Sales by Tender and Retail Sales Transactions are carried out by the Ministry of Commerce (General Directorate of Risk Management, Liquidation and Revolving Funds).

What is Customs Tender?

Sales by Tender is carried out by Electronic Tender (E-Tender) Method. A separate web page has been prepared and put into service by the Ministry for E-Tender Transactions. By using the aforementioned website, you can participate in E-Tender transactions and if you win the tender, you can make a purchase.

Where and How is Customs Tender (Customs e-Tender) Made?

You can reach the tenders made by e-Tender at Or you can reach it by downloading the E-Tender Application from Tablet or Mobile Phones to your device.

How Can I Participate in the Customs Tender (Customs e-Tender)?

In order to participate in the E-Tender organized by the Customs Administration, you must first become a member of the system. Membership is free. Membership procedures are different for real persons and legal entities. It is sufficient for real persons to register through the “Become a Member” section on After the Legal Entity Information is filled in during the Registration Stage from the “Become a Member” section of Legal Entities on, the “Membership Application Form” is signed by the Person Authorized to Represent the Legal Entity, and together with this form the following must be sent to Central Liquidation Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Commerce with a returnded contact;

Signature Circular (Original or Notarized Copy),
Turkish Trade Registry Gazette (Notarized Sample)
E-Tender Membership Agreement (Every Page Signed)

After the Information in the “Membership Application Form” is checked by the Operations Directorate, Legal Entity Membership Information will be activated. Until legal entity memberships are activated, membership will be suspended, bids will not be submitted for suspended memberships. You can participate in E-Tenders after you become a member and deposit the guarantee amount for the goods subject to the tender to the bank account opened in the name of the Ministry of Commerce liquidation enterprise revolving fund. It is not possible to participate in e-tenders without being a member.

What is the Guarantee Fee for the Customs Tender?

From those who will participate in the tender; Provided that it is deposited within the place and time condition specified in the Sales announcement and specifications, the guarantee is taken at a rate of at least ten percent of the original price of the goods. For the goods whose tender value exceeds 1,000,000 TL, a guarantee of 100,000 is taken and those who are sufficient in the mentioned collateral can participate in the increase.

Example: The collateral amount of goods sold at 10,000 TL is 1,000 TL. If this item is put out to tender for a sale price of 1,000,000 TL or more, the maximum guarantee amount will be 100,000 TL.

As a guarantee following are accepted;

Cash Turkish Currency in Circulation,
Indefinite Letters of Guarantee Given by Banks and Participation Banks,
Government Bonds or Treasury Guaranteed Bonds,
Other Values Accepted as Collateral in Public Procurements Pursuant to Special Provisions.


*** There is no opportunity to deposit collateral by credit card.

In case you lose the tender you have participated in, the security deposit will be refunded. Returns are made within 7 (Seven) business days following the approval date of the “Return Request”.

How can I see the goods to be tendered, the price of goods, sales notice and specification?

You can access the mentioned information when you click on the “Current Tenders” section on the Home Page. When you view by logging in, you can view the bids given to the tenders with the Open Bid Method.

What is the Cost of Winning the Customs Tender?

The price you will pay for goods when you win the tender includes items such as SCT, VAT etc. After the tender, Stamp Duty, Banderole Fee and Fixed Tax, if any, and its SCT and VAT are also collected. If you want to learn more details about customs E-Tender; You can find detailed explanations in the form of “Question-Answer” on the topics you have in your mind in the “Frequently Asked Questions” Section on the home page of

Where and How is Retail Sales Made?

Retail Sales to be made by the Customs Administration are carried out in the Retail Stores of the Ministry of Commerce. These Stores; It is located in Istanbul-Erenkoy, Istanbul-Sirkeci, Ankara, Edirne and Kocaeli. Addresses and telephones of retail stores are given below:


İstanbul-Erenköy Perakende Satış Mağazası

Kayışdağı Mahallesi Dudullu Cad. No:4/2 Ataşehir/İSTANBUL

Tel: (216) 540 86 91 Faks: (216) 540 07 39


İstanbul-Sirkeci Perakende Satış Mağazası

Hocapaşa Mahallesi, Ebusuud Cad. No:17 Sirkeci/İSTANBUL

Tel: (212) 514 68 22 Faks: (212) 514 68 17


Ankara Perakende Satış Mağazası

Anafartalar Çarşısı 3.kat No:325 Ulus / ANKARA

Tel: (312) 311 01 80-86


Kocaeli Perakende Satış Mağazası

İzmit Ömerağa Mahallesi Şahabettin Bilgisu Caddesi No: 39 KOCAELİ

Tel: (262) 321 22 84


Edirne Perakende Satış Mağazası

Sarıcapaşa Mah. Kadirhane Cad. No:44 EDİRNE

Tel: (284) 213 28 28


*** Sales in Retail Stores are Made in Store Only. There is no online retail sale.

What Products Are Available in Retail Stores?

Customs Goods Sold in Retail Stores Mobile Phones, Perfumes, Shoes, Computers, Tablets, Toys, Shoes, Clothes, Glasses, Electronic Appliances Etc. Many Products Available.

How Can I Find Out What Are The Items Sold In Retail Stores?

The “Sales List” of the Products to be Sold in Retail Stores can be viewed on the website of the Ministry of Commerce.

Where and How is Customs Retail Sale of Goods Made? Retail Sales, on the other hand, are carried out through Retail Stores operated by the Regional Directorates of the Ministry of Commerce. A “Sales List” is created by the Customs Administration for Retail Sales and Announced Both Normally and Electronically. You can buy the goods subject to the Sales List from Retail Stores Operated by the Customs Administration.